50% of ALL website profits for 30 Days to stop Willow and support SILA
Our donations will go to the Sovereign Iñupiat for a Living Arctic (SILA) through the Northern Alaska Environmental Center. We support SILA's mission to create space for healthy communities, spiritually, mentally, and physically; fostering the connection between people, culture and land. SILA are empowered as frontline communities and those who have inherent connection with the land and what it provides.
Alaska Native people have lived and thrived in the Arctic since time immemorial. Alaska’s Arctic provides key habitat for an array of animals that rely on its lands and waters for food, protection and as the birthing, nesting and nursery grounds for their young. Oil and gas drilling and industrialization pollute the land, water and air, disrupt migration routes, degrade wildlife habitat and diminish people’s access to traditional foods and activities. Drilling for and burning fossil fuels accelerates the climate crisis in a region where sea ice and permafrost are melting faster than ever.
We will compile all UNLESS website purchase profits for 30 days (April 10 - May 10) and donate 50% of profits from those purchases to the Sovereign Iñupiat for a Living Arctic through the Northern Alaska Environmental Center. Additionally we will donate 100% of profits from the sales of our Stop Willow Biodegradable t-shirts to the Sovereign Iñupiat for a Living Arctic through the Northern Alaska Environmental Center.
What is Willow?
The Willow Master Development Plan is a threat to the Arctic and the communities that rely on it. Willow is a massive oil and gas project proposed by ConocoPhillips Alaska Inc. that would emit an estimated 287 metric tons of CO2 in its lifetime, which is the equivalent of 345 coal-fired power plants (more than all existing coal plants in the US) and 278 million cars (more cars and trucks that are on the road today in the US.) This is about one quarter of total annual emission in the US without taking into consideration the anticipated future expansion of the Willow Project in coming years.
If you would like to learn more, or get involved directly, please check out: https://www.silainuat.org/